AWS points to Preverity as a model for using Gen AI to address real customer needs. In today’s blog, I share why AWS called out Preverity as a leader in moving Gen AI from hype to relevance through the customer use case. At Preverity, we’re always pushing the boundary for healthcare analytics, and sometimes, we…

There’s growing interest in clinical data that can pinpoint risk and enhance patient safety. I recently participated in the annual American Society for Health Care Risk Management conference with Larry Van Horn, Preverity’s CEO and Founder. The risk managers who…

As we speak with MPL carriers across the country, we hear their frustration with the current situation: it’s difficult to make a profit from underwriting medical malpractice. While MPL has been profitable for most of the past twenty years, recent years have been…

When it comes to patient safety, good intentions aren’t enough. Three ways to predict and prevent medical errors. As the ASHRM Annual Conference draws near, patient safety takes center stage in our endeavors at Preverity. Medical error rates remain alarmingly high…

Ready to embark on your automation journey? Leverage data to begin automating the renewal process. In today’s blog post, I delve into new data’s role in automating the renewal process…

As MPL insurers face headwinds, superior underwriting helps you stay the course. Are you finding it challenging to underwrite MPL profitably? Well, you’re not alone. Brian Atchinson, the president and CEO of the MPL Association, recently spoke…